Friday, October 28, 2011

Naples SEO

Today I wanted to make a post and get some backlinks for Naples SEO. I am trying to rank for the term as soon as possible so the best thing to do is hand create several blog post on as many different platforms as possible. You dont want all your links, well... anchor text links to be the same keyword phrase either. But for the first couple days I'm going to focus on just the term Naples SEO as opposed to switching it up to Naples search engine optimization.

Variety in your anchor text gives the search engines a wider scope of what your site is about and will most likely help you having some diversity for your terms. Every keyword you have anchored to your site will through up red flags to Google because it isnt natural. By creating posts on different platforms gives me a wider audience and will allow people to find me easier and hopefully bookmark or favorite, or maybe even share my post if its worthy, again getting me more backlinks. Thats the idea anyway.

So here I am, about to call it a full post on Naples SEO and I havent even really said anything. There is enormous value here for me though because of the keywords I have as well as the content being unique. If you read through the post it talks about being consistent with your terms, but being diversified at the same time. Be sure to have a good mix of keyword phrases but stay on topic and always have unique content or you arent going to position your site for anything worth while.

1 comment:

  1. search engine Optimization has been a main ingredient isoosl inception. as the search engines have conditioned over the year in an bestir to counteract web spam so too have the tactics that constitute successful seo. Naples SEO
